Sunday, August 31, 2008

Happy Ganesh Chathurthi

Happy Ganesh Chaturthi to all
Festivals add cheerfulness to our monotonous routine, there always is some natural joy in the air with festive season around the corner. Though as we age the true spirit of festival-celebrations loses its charm but along comes a feeling of responsibility of passing on the traditions to next generation. We also start understanding that every ritual has its own significance and impact on the well-being of our family.

Festival celebrations also depend on our state of mind; if there have been happy occasions in our life around that time than the festive season appears to be more joyous similarly sudden demise of loved ones or any other trying moments lead to completely contrast state of mind. Sometimes whole society (thanks to inflation, insecurity and other things like that) feels the later. It is said that if we are not feeling happy at an occasion we should find solace in social service, we should go all out to arrange some celebration for the underprivileged, it will give us tremendous inner joy and satisfaction to see smile on those faces who have never celebrated anything in their entire life. There are hundreds and thousands of people out there who have never ever opened a brand new gift exclusively bought for them. Spending some meaningful moments with
Them will give an altogether new meaning to our celebrations and to others’ life.
ganapati bappa morya!!

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