Tuesday, September 30, 2008

balanced diet

Ensuring complete nutrition for young children is primary concern for every mother. Complete nutrition for young body would mean a healthy balance of building material, repairing material, fuel for energy, and additional substances to keep it going.

Proteins - main construction material of a body is protein. It is required to increase the size of different organs and overall body, and also for repairing wear and tear. A variety of vegetables, grains, beans, and fruits servings, soy fiber mixed with chapatti flour, may be given during munching time or otherwise. Plant source of proteins also provide carbs, fiber & vitamins which animal products lack.

Carbohydrates - children’s energy requirements are met by simple and complex carbs. Vegetables, fruits, grains and pulses are complex carbohydrates which burn slowly. Sugar honey is examples of simple carbs which burn very fast and also they lack in extra nutrition.

Fat- it is hard for the body to convert fat to fuel so it is largely stored under the skin; saturated fats are mainly found in meat and dairy products. Unsaturated fats are mainly sourced from plant based foods. Fats are rich source of fuel for the body.

Mineral and Calcium- minerals are mainly required for the structuring and functioning of all body parts. All natural and unrefined foods contain variety of valuable minerals. To get them in maximum amount one should avoid refining of grains and prolonged cooking.
During infancy and preteen age ample amount of calcium is required. Green leafy vegetables, beans, milk are good source of calcium.

Iron & iodine – vegetables like broccoli and beans are a good source of iron. Iron supplements can be given to the children with a doctor’s reference.
Iodized salts can be used in areas where drinking water, fruits or vegetables lack it.

Vitamins- body requires vitamins to work right, as a little oiling helps a machine to work splendidly! All vitamins can be obtained from a well balanced diet of grains, fruits, beans nuts, seeds. Deficiency of these vitamins in children is unlikely unless the diet consists mainly of refined starches and sugar.

Fiber – it is the roughage in our food that our intestine can’t digest and absorb. Animal and dairy products don’t have fiber at all. These are important for normal bowel movement, and for checking the constipation.

Water- it is important for the basic functioning of the body. Most of the food items are largely made of water, even then mothers should take care that children are taking 5-6 glasses of water during the entire day.

It should be taken care that not all the essential nutrients are to be taken in every meal, a balance of all the nutrients should be provided within a span of 2-3 days.

Monday, September 29, 2008

books Vs.TV

Reading requires active participation; it helps in enhancing visualization, imagination and also a certain level of patience in the reader.
Me and my husband being avid readers ourselves wanted our kids also to follow the same path, but on the back of my mind I had this feeling of helplessness also; as I used to think that in this era of 24x7 hrs of TV transmission, how can I instill reading habit in my kids? Their generation is bound to be exposed to passive entertainment ; they usually are sitting either in front of TV or a computer screen, fast moving quick images just hypnotize the young ones, their group conversations revolve mostly around their favorite cartoon characters, in this scenario will my lil’ one not feel like left out, while interacting in the group? What should be parents’ strategy to teach their children what is correct? Rather than just following the herd mentality.
All these thoughts used to wander in my mind when I was expecting my first child. When I landed on the parenting path I realized that I was very much in control of the situation, it was like God had given me a completely blank CD and I could have written whatever I wanted to, on it. My kid would be exposed to the practices of his family first, so I had at least four years to mould him in my way, before he’d be exposed to the outer world. And if I gave him enough time, attention and guidance there is no reason why he should not adopt the rightful ways. With this strong positive thought, I did strategic planning for my kid as to at what age he’d be exposed to which useful practice.
I started reading to my child at the age of 4-6 months, more than reading the session used to provide a feeling of closeness to him sitting in my lap he was not interested in the book or the content at that time.
By tenth month or so he got attracted to the books himself I brought thick, plastic coated books for that age as teething had started and he was putting everything possible in his mouth, during book reading sessions my emphasis would be to let him understand that main source of all this joy is the book; It used to be more of a mimicry show kind of session; I used to read the lines from the book first and than enact them, my son used to giggle to my efforts. Bright colorful books also became an inspiration for new words

Around 1-1/2 years he started showing more interest in who, what, when, where of the content and he emphasized on keeping the book in his own hands even if that means reading a book upside down, for me the satisfaction was that he was taking interest on his own.

Reading a bedtime story, reading to him as much as possible, taking membership of a kid’s library, sending him to phonetics class and taking subscription of a kid’s magazine were some of the steps which I took when he was 4-6 yrs of age.

Now at six, he is an avid reader himself, he tries to read about a new subject as much as possible and I feel satisfied that I didn’t need to force anything on him.
This is his choice to prefer books over TV, he watches TV also but not for longer duration, he himself starts missing his books. His teachers appreciate that his vocabulary is beyond his age group and most of all he has taught his younger brother also the same good habit of making books his best friend!!

Thursday, September 25, 2008

big boss-communication

Watching Big boss gives you a brilliant avenue to have a deep insight of different types of personalities, their communication skills & behavioral patterns.

Payal’s desperate moves to get enough footage justify her behavior as an aspiring actress. Going in to the pool wearing quite a revealing swim suit, trying to give face expressions for each and every thing, looking towards the camera more often than not all adhere to that fact only.

Ehsaanji is playing very diplomatically, or may be still not opened up to the inmates, tries to keep to him only; doesn’t want to get in to any controversies. May be he is a peace loving guy off the camera, a very fatherly figure for most of the housemates, but sometimes he appears to be hiding his own self .

Another participant of this genre is Julfi, he also fails miserably in expressing himself on or off the camera, he might be a person with great dignity, grace, boyish charm and decency but communication is the key for this kind of program you have to connect with the audience and other inmates. What are your inputs to the TRP of the program, which ultimately is the purpose of the channel?

Diana is trying her best to create a happy environment within the house, she has brought a tremendous positive energy in the house, most of the time she is shown chatting intimately with all the occupants, or playing marbles or stones with them, she works with girls in the kitchen, she condemns Raja for playing politics, she says what is right to the right person at the right time even then she is quite popular amongst the participants. She is a great communicator.

Sambhawana seth is too loud but apt for this kind of program, she has a tremendous power of creating controversies, she might be a good person at heart but she is not able to get along with many of the participants, she seeks for a comfort zone with the person she is talking to but if that is not formed ,she starts criticizing that person which helps more in creating foes than friends , she is a good example of what should not be done for an effective communication.

Raja and Rahul are the soul of this season of big boss, mischievous raja has still not come out of his leadership task mould, which is creating trouble for him only, and sometimes he appears to be over smart, which others don’t like at all. Basic courtesy and mannerisms never go out of fashion he seems to defy that.

Rahul is still wearing a mask, he seems to think that two and a half month is not a long time to spend in that manner at least that will help removing the bad name earned by him for his family, everybody else might be interested in the prize money, but rahul has the sole purpose of clearing his image in common man’s mind.

Ashutosh is a happy go lucky kind of guy ,very lazy not interested in other inmates at all , just trying to spend the time being there no contribution from his side towards the program.


Monday, September 22, 2008

My Lil' Soldier

Reading the column Soul Curry by Ms Charushilla Narula in times life (21 Sep08; a supplement of Sunday times of India) stirred lots of emotions, which I was trying to compile and compose after my conversation with my brother who right now has got a border posting. I had asked him, what is the value of him staying in such extreme living conditions, who is bothered what difficulties he is facing staying there. And his answer to my query was ,everybody whether working in a private job or in a public sector job is doing his duty assigned to him, they all are working in a team for the welfare of an organization; some are taking greater risks while others are not , but everybody is not looking for a reward all the time, I am also doing the same; I have opted for a field and all this is a part of this particular carrier, chosen fields may be different but the objective of all of us is the same. His answer gave me some comfort but I was not fully convinced, at the same time I was feeling guilt also of asking such a question which might affect his zeal, his confidence.
Maybe because the soldier in question is my own younger brother, my own sibling whom I know inside out, understand beyond words and with whom I have grown up literally.
I was trying to understand why along with a feeling of proud there was also this itch attached, “why he was there, and what was the point of it all?” I was searching answers to my inner doubts but to no avail! On the weekend It seemed as god himself was trying to answer my queries otherwise why I would’ve started reading a back-dated newspaper which I usually never do! I came through this article which was reflecting my state of mind word by word, the guilt of discussing wrong points ,the state of illusion my feelings at this stage ,every answer was there on that paper, unfolding the truth, making the things more clear.
I am just refurbishing a segment of the column, “…….I searched the TV channels for a glimpse of him or his mission, only to realize that it really doesn’t matter whether my soldier was living a life that was worse than being alive; what mattered was that kareena was getting married to Saif Ali Khan and Angelina Jolie was having twins. The complete hollowness of our urban life disturbed me. I realized that I was guilty of this too, till someone of my own was affected. But, then isn’t every soldier our very own? Have we become so self-consumed that we are immune to the sacrifice that he has made by choosing this profession so that we stay protected? no one really tries to dwell in to what makes a soldier guard that peak at Siachen or brave the enemy at LoC. Please note a soldier moves because his heart moves. However his heart beats only when he knows that his family is happy and provided for. Sadly enough the pay commission has made him a negotiator and pushed him to demand what is rightfully his.
I asked my soldier, doesn’t all this agitate you? Make you want to quit? And He replied, “If tomorrow, someone falls in front of me on a busy street, I will go and pick him up. I will not think of why others didn’t come to his rescue.” I stand corrected .he is not fighting someone else’s battle. He is acting upon things which really matter to someone somewhere! He does not care why his friend or his brother is not doing the same he has made this choice for his country, for his people, for himself. Let us respect his choice, salute it. For they make our country a better place to live in…!”

Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekends are always awaited after five grueling working days. No worry for strict sleeping times for children, no waking up very early, rushing for the school bus, and preparations for husband’s office schedule. Starting the day at my own pace, lazing around reading favorite columns in newspaper, long chats with husband and kids, are some of the luxuries I look forward to on weekends.
Sometimes I just wonder will I enjoy my Sundays during my retirement (yes retirement phase comes in housewives life cycle also and they need lots of psychological preparation to get ready for the phase) as much as I do now, will I miss my days of organized chaos or at that time everyday will be like a holiday and I will just wish for something meaningful to do.
Whenever I look any old age person, I just try to feel what kind of emotions they are going through .is there a feeling of fulfillment or a wish that god would have given them more time! It also amazes me that after managing everything from A to Z in the house, how it feels to handle over everything to next generation. From being the sole decision maker in everything to just let others take the reigns! It is indeed a huge change in a person’s life and retirement phase does require proper emotional planning for a person to spend that phase more meaningfully.
Right now I am enjoying my Sundays peacefully with my entire family!
please look forward for my special article on how to live retired life more meaningfully

Thursday, September 18, 2008

ten commandments to parents

I just loved the ten “child commandments to parents” given to my kindergarten kid the other day by his teacher. It was indeed the crux of good parenting in a sweet lil capsule. May be it will stir a part of your soul as well as it did, of mine. Happy parenting!

1) My hands are small; please don’t expect perfection when I draw a picture.
2) My eyes have not seen the world as yours have; please don’t expect me to see the things the way you do.
3) Please take time to explain things to me about this wonderful world.
4) Please don’t scold me for my inquisitiveness.
5) Treat me as you would like to be treated.
6) I am a special gift from God; please treasure me as God intended you to do.
7) I need your encouragement to grow.
8) Please don’t compare me to my siblings or friends.
9) Please set a good example for me to follow I enjoy learning.
10) Shower me with praise and see the enhanced level of my performance.
(original source: The speaking tree ,The times of India)

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

children's program

Is somebody interested in producing good quality programs, with decent language and basic moral values for our future generation? Or parents have no choice except to let their 3-4 year olds watch whatever is available on kids’ channels. Adding to the woes is the low standard of the language these programs are being dubbed in. In most of the programs the lead cartoon character is shown either equipped with unbelievable super-powers or has an alien friend with extraordinary gadgets, without which he /she is a person with below average academic record, poor physical strength and extremely unpopular amongst his/her friends. The protagonists are also shown making fun of elders, disobeying them and hitting each other, sometimes a four year old is shown to be interested in women twice or thrice his age; the list of these kinds of examples is endless.
Sometimes one just wonders, where good quality, educational, inspirational programs of good old Doordarshan days have gone, which used to have special emphasis on giving some social, moral or educational message to all age groups. Limited hours of transmission were helpful in inculcating a sense of self discipline among the viewers. Special attention was given that morning programs should be joyful and inspirational for the whole day, evenings and night programs should be a mix of entertainment and education Sundays should be special days. They used to support the Indian values, ethics and systems, that kind of customized programming we can’t and shouldn’t expect from today’s channels which are catering to the overseas audience also.
What need to be seen is what could be the implications (if children in their impressionable ages are being exposed to these kinds of programs 24/7) and what strategies parents can adopt for the best interests of their children.

First and foremost thing parents can do is -
to strictly decide the hours of TV watching, though it is easier to say than to implement but we should appreciate the fact that children basically like to be disciplined provided which method do we apply to convey the message successfully to them.

Watching TV with them and discussing the content with them also helps quite a lot don’t criticize the program rather pinpoint whatever wrong has been shown in that, and try to know their views on that, discuss the ill effects and slowly divert their attention to other good quality program or to some other activity.

It’s a proven fact that if we spend 30-40 min everyday from the age 2 reading a book with her she will develop an interest for reading and there is no other wonderfully good habit in a child than to read on her own.

Reducing self TV watching hours by parents also helps a lot, and this much sacrifice for our own children is not such a big thing!

TV viewing can be combined with coloring, crafts, and other activities, Explain this to them by adopting this technique yourself first as preaching has to be strengthened and authenticated by practicing.

Friday, September 5, 2008

working woman and ideal home

Carrying out dual responsibility of home and office and emerge as a winner is a long cherished thought of a working woman. While sometimes it may appear that everything is going haywire, nothing seems to be perfect be it kids, home office or acquaintances we try to put a patch on everything in a jiffy, and most of the times it end up in more undesired results.

It might appear to be difficult to manage both the worlds but with some little extra input, imagination and planning. As with all the successful things, proper execution of the plan and review and further planning and execution are the key factors.

A) A part of the weekend is the most important time for the execution of the planning. This part can be utilized to prepare a menu for the whole week. Once the menu falls in place, things can be kept ready for different preparation, so that we can prepare home-made food for the family and save ourselves from the guilt of not giving nutrition to our family.
Green leafy vegetables can be boiled and kept in a dough form and can be used to make chapattis, dips, gravies etc. throughout the week without putting in too much of time.
Similarly, boiled potatoes, curd, paneer, paste for different types of gravies can be kept ready for quick use. More imagination can be put in kitchen preparation and brilliant ideas of providing nutritious food can be evolved.
B) Clothes for all the members (to be wore throughout the week) can also be decided on the weekend and accordingly it can be taken care that everything is ready for a week, so throughout the week your mind is free of this major cause of concern, “what to wear tomorrow?”
C) Cleaning of the house is also to be dealt in an intelligent manner so that throughout the week home appears to be organized and cleaned up without putting in too much of time and effort, major articles which causes clutter is paper and clothes. For daily newspaper you can put a beautiful box in which newspapers throughout the week can be kept make it a habit to sort &sell them at the end of the week. For daily post keep a file and for bills and major appointments a notice board can be hanged, which can work as a reminder for the entire family.
D) Clothes for the entire week can be segregated in different baskets, whites, colored and normal wash. And accordingly instructions can be given to the home helpers ,even if we our self are doing the laundry it become much easier and less time taking to finish the laundry .
E) Each day of the week can be made a special day as kids day, parents day, family day so that nobody is feeling isolated with each other.
there is much much more to be written on this topic so please keep checking!

Healthy Disciplining

Disciplining our children is indeed a time consuming and (seems-to-be) never ending job, but satisfaction of giving quality upbringing is incomparable to anything in the world.
Parents should always appreciate the fact that every child is unique in her behavior and personality, and though there are some fundamental rules to follow while disciplining them, the way of implementing them will vary from child to child.
Parents should feel empathy while dealing with their own kids. They should try to place themselves in kid’s shoes and then talk to them understanding the reason behind a particular behavior
a) Too much should and don’ts should be avoided. Try to be a person of few words, but those words should be effective, appropriate and should be conveyed in an authoritative tone
b) Try to be consistent, if you are stopping him from doing something at a particular time and not saying anything at other times, kids will not be clear about that issue.
c) Parents should avoid saying different things on the same issue, this will confuse the kid and smarter kids will try to take advantage of the situation.
d) Treat them like an adult and see the high level of their cooperation, its true! This will give them your attention, will satisfy their ego and if you are discussing the thing with them (rather than pressurizing) they feel more responsible.
e) Always appreciate children for their good behavior. This will lead to high self esteem and it’s well known that a person with high self esteem has less behavioral problem. Keeping a glass in the kitchen without being asked to do so might be a very small thing for you but she has done it for the first time and she is doing it only for your appreciation, if you are ignoring it then you only are inviting more active behavior from her side to get your attention.
f) Don’t remind the child her misbehavior again and again.
g) We are the role model for our kids; we should set an example by immediately saying sorry if we are wrong. And mind you, we will not know when our children are observing our behavior.
h) Harsh punishments like locking the child in the bathrooms, hitting with belts, threatening that they will be put in a boarding, are complete no-no. Imagine what feelings you will have towards the person who does this to you except hate and resentment.
i) Always respect your child. Making fun of them or rejecting their opinions will not help in anyway.

Disciplining is necessary, it instill in children a sense of self control,self worth which becomes useful for them when they set out on their own. Our approach should be to endure and unearth the latent humaneness present in every child.

prerna my bai

aai paanch din kaam par nahi aayegi” my maid’s daughter had called up to inform that her mother will not be coming for five days. It was quite surprising because Prema had been with me for the last two years and she had a good track record of taking as lesser leaves as possible, and now this, all of a sudden leave for five days!! But even after much co-axing she didn’t give me any details and cut the phone. Now there was no other option than to wait for five days and look for some substitute.

They came after seven days. When I got the information that she has entered in the society premises, I was certain that she is sure to get a piece of my mind. But as she entered in the house it was hard to recognize her. Where was that chirpy, bubbly, loving Prema?
I had always seen her happy and content with life. She was in her late thirties and had two daughters; one of her daughter was studying in ninth standard and the other one in second. She had left her husband five years back because of his drinking menace. She was handling her daily expenses, getting her daughters educated by putting in sheer hard work, unlike other maids she was not interested in gossiping and all. For me she was an epitome of good moral values & righteousness. She was a Konkani Brahmin by birth and a staunch believer in all Hindu deities. She used to perform all religious rituals on daily basis without fail, whenever she was late for work I knew she would come and say “aaj diya-batti karne se der hua” and she also used to hallucinate about deviji during navratri, which I believe was due to her firm faith. We had found a common ground for conversation which used to revolve mainly around miracles due to firm faith in god.

Prema was looking pale and completely lost in her own world, she was mumbling something to herself, her daughter asked her to sit, and she mechanically followed the instruction. I was completely clueless what might have happened, her daughter said “meri maa ko pata nahi kya ho gaya hai she has not eaten even a bite and has not slept for the last seven days. She gets up in the middle of the night and starts cooking rice then she performs elaborate pooja, she is doubting everybody that he/she will kill me, and she kept on describing the symptoms which were clearly matching to the symptoms of deep mental depression ! but what could lead to that? According to my observation she was very strong from inside. “We didn’t go for prayers also on Sunday because of this” “you mean for some pooja on Sunday”, I came out of my thoughts. No, we have started going to church every Sunday as one other bai had asked us to come there with her, She said that this will relieve us from all our misery, but for that we will have to stop following our rituals. Now I was getting a clue as to what might have happened, with a positive thought which struck me, I told her daughter, “you leave her here for 2-3 hours and go to your school.” “Kya hua prema , kaisi tabiyat hai?” she didn’t respond, but may be the softness of words touched her, she looked up to me , “lie down for some time and take rest.” Then I made her lie down for a while and left the room, there was complete silence and I could hear her snoring, I knew how crucial that sleep was for her so I let her sleep ,she got up after sound sleep of three good hrs, and asked for her daughter, she was looking a lil peaceful. After having some tea and toasts she was sitting there and wanted to talk to me so I started,( I knew that objective of my conversation is to bring out the root cause of the symptom and to help her to regain her confidence ) kucch kehna hai Prema? She said “didi mere dev naraj ho gaye mujhse maine unki pooja karna band kiya na!” so! my assumption was right, her mind could not accept the fact that it will not be able to worship in the same manner as before; having interacted with her on daily basis and knowing the person that she was I knew that it was a very crucial thing for her, after two hours of gentle counseling I got her affirmation that for her daughter’s sake she has to be mentally strong and has to come back to her normal self. She was looking quite relieved at the end of our conversation. She said didi I love the things they tell at the Sunday prayers, it enhances my mental strength, but why do they ask me to stop worshipping my deities the way I want?
I didn’t have the answer for her query, but yes I was surprised at the revelation that even an illiterate person like her could sense that outer form of any deity is a superficial thing and that ultimate objective is to feel connected with the supreme power, in whichever manner in whichever way.

Nearly fifteen days have passed since that incident and Prema is slowly trying to come to her original self. We all are supporting her because we know that more than anything else her daughter’s higher studies and good life is her utmost priority

traditional vs.modern system of schooling

Being a mother of two young kids gives me enough opportunity to get multiple views on kids’ related issues. The current and very hot topic these days is traditional system of schooling vs.playway / modern system.
Pro traditional group has got a point that after completing their plus two ,would these kids be able to compete with the time tested traditional syllabus which no doubt helps them in sailing through the competitive exams like medical and engg? According to this group the ultimate goal of achieving success in these two career streams is possible only through traditional system of studies. One of weird reason I have heard from this group is that our kids have so much of energy that it becomes difficult to handle them if they are sitting idle, it’s good that they give so much home work that kids don’t get time to mess around!

Schools following playway method of teaching, give emphasis to experiential learning. They prepare a kid to face the real challenges of life. With their USP being low teachers to student ratio (sometimes as low as 12 kids: 1 teacher) they are able to pay individual attention to all the kids. In PTMs parents feel as if teachers know their wards better then them. Yes price tag attached with these schools is supposedly high but if we compare on the basis of quality of experience, and the satisfaction (that our child is not just gulping down the facts and figures rather he is learning with joy) the deal is absolutely fantastic. When Life Skills as a subject was introduced in my son’s class (grade 1) I just danced with joy; did we ever imagine in our student life that our teacher will take over as agony aunt one day? It’s a tremendous joy to send him to the garden every evening to play with his friends, without worrying for the loads and loads of home-work to be done. I know for sure that by the time he will complete his plus two he will be clear and confident about his career choices and he will have respect for his schooling system that’d made him compatible enough to sail through stream of life. I also know that by that time more and more career options would have opened up for him which will not test only his mugging up capacity.
Organized Living in a Shared Apartment

With increased availability of various career & recruitment options, more and more younger lot is shifting towards metros and big cities. Sharing apartments between 2-3 (sometimes even 7-8) people, is an increasing trend, it proves to be quite a feasible option as a)it reduces the overall cost of rent-A-place & b) it provides a feeling of security to the newcomers from small towns.
As with every practice this one also has got positive as well as negative aspects, if on one hand it teaches you to be accommodating with others, it can be hard to organize well in this chaotic environment. It requires a lot of efforts and understanding from each and every person in the group to contribute to the group’s efforts of organized living.
Following suggestions may help you to overcome lil’ nuances of shared living
a)like any other team work this also requires
Assigning tasks
Correcting & improving
a) four main committees are to be made to streamline majority of the work
Food committee
Cleaning committee
Finance committee
Cloths committee
Equal no. of members is to be included in every committee. While forming the committees for a particular week we have to give consideration to the time available with individual member, as all the members are working/studying. The member who is relatively free can be placed in that chore committee which has heavier duties to perform.

b) Members of different committees have to discuss who will take up which job, committees will be made for a week and next week new group will replace the existing committee. Within a comm. Also jobs will be assigned on rotation basis. So it will not be like everyday only member A is cooking or only member B is doing the task of cleaning and likewise. Now this was the assigning task.
c) Next is planning, proper discussion within the committee will lead to a clear understanding as to what tasks are there on hand and how to carry them out, without putting in too much of time. Eg: how much and what veggies are to be cut, how many chapattis are to be made.
d) All the members have to stick to the plan and execute it as per the schedule, suppose if cloth committee has decided that in the morning all members’ clothes which are to be washed have to be collected at a common place and are to be segregated acc. to colors then all cloth committee members have to execute this chore as decided.
e) Follow up is the key for the success of any project, here also daily follow up of all the work done will lead to the successful execution of the weekly plan.
f) Productive analysis (of the work done) at the end of the week will be helpful in taking corrective measures and in improving the effectiveness of the plan.

Now we sum up the works required to be done by different committees. In this kind of set up it is a normal practice to take help of maid servant/cooks/laundry etc. As it is based on pool and pay system main jobs of all the committees will be managing them.

FOOD committee should first of all make a weekly menu accordingly groceries should be bought for a week, perishables should be bought on daily basis if fridge is not there, if there is plan for ordering from outside for a particular day that also should be included in the budget. Everyday in the morning cook shd be guided that what and how much is to be prepared. If self cooking is to be done then extra time in the morn shd be reserved for that and before leaving food committee should ensure that needful has been done for evenings also. it is their responsibility to take care in the night that leftovers have been stored safely and no wastage is there. Maids should also be given hint in the beginning itself that no carelessness will be tolerated and everything is being watched carefully.

CLEANING committee has to prepare the weekly budget of phenyl, detergent, odonil, duster, broom etc to be given to the finance committee. They have to clean and organize the common area of the house. Members will make up their own beds apart from that everything in the bedroom is to be cleaned up by them, thrice a week extensive toilet cleaning has also to done. Bathroom has to be cleaned up by detergent on daily basis. Keeping the garbage out in the night is also their area of work. Kitchen is also to be cleaned up by them after the cooking and storage work is complete. Maids are to be given clear instructions about dusting, brooming and wet cleaning; one member has to get it done in his presence.

CLOTHES committee has to make weekly budget of toiletries and laundryman and it is to be given to the finance committee. They have to take care that clothes are being circulated on daily basis. Soaking, washing, drying, ironing and folding is being done regularly and laundry person is taking away the clothes after proper counting, if you are leaving your clothes with the watchmen for him to take away from there, a register should be maintained in which you enter the no. of clothes and he acknowledges of receiving and delivering same number of clothes. Kitchen clothes, dusters etc also require proper cleaning so take care of them also.

FINANCE committee has to create a common fund by pooling equal amount of money from all the members. Now their main task is reviewing all the committee’s budgets and arranging things for them, they have to make payments to the helpers on monthly basis so first finance committee of the month has the responsibility of assigning money for that purpose also. All the common home bills are also to be paid from that amount only. There should always be a contingency fund for emergency purpose.

Though it seems to be a very extensive task, but apart from initial planning nothing is very difficult. Stay of all members can be converted in to a memorable, learning experience by adopting the method.

Thursday, September 4, 2008

There is a clear difference in planned career graphs and non planned ones. I analyzed some of the careers in close acquaintances, and it was evident that those who were quite clear about their choices from an early age were on the right career track at the right time, whereas those who thought about the options at the last moment clearly missed the bus and had to be content with whatever was available!
Now here comes the responsibility of the parents, no doubt we should not pressurize or impose our thoughts on them but it is our duty to expose them to the various choices available and the way to achieve them. May be we can create a discussion forum kind of system in which children can discuss there career plans with their parents. This will enhance the communication between the parents and the children and the parents will be able to arrange for the information required in a much better way.
The forum system can be started as early as when your child is about ten years and the initial year discussions can revolve around what children want and parents can introduce them to various options available. Later on when they become more clear and specific in their choices they can be given following information in detail-
A) latest options available- what stream of studies is required for a particular option
B) what resources are required –how to gather information from reliable and authentic resources
C) guide them how to be decisive
D) analyzing strengths & weaknesses
E) be careful about the choice of institutes