Tuesday, September 30, 2008

balanced diet

Ensuring complete nutrition for young children is primary concern for every mother. Complete nutrition for young body would mean a healthy balance of building material, repairing material, fuel for energy, and additional substances to keep it going.

Proteins - main construction material of a body is protein. It is required to increase the size of different organs and overall body, and also for repairing wear and tear. A variety of vegetables, grains, beans, and fruits servings, soy fiber mixed with chapatti flour, may be given during munching time or otherwise. Plant source of proteins also provide carbs, fiber & vitamins which animal products lack.

Carbohydrates - children’s energy requirements are met by simple and complex carbs. Vegetables, fruits, grains and pulses are complex carbohydrates which burn slowly. Sugar honey is examples of simple carbs which burn very fast and also they lack in extra nutrition.

Fat- it is hard for the body to convert fat to fuel so it is largely stored under the skin; saturated fats are mainly found in meat and dairy products. Unsaturated fats are mainly sourced from plant based foods. Fats are rich source of fuel for the body.

Mineral and Calcium- minerals are mainly required for the structuring and functioning of all body parts. All natural and unrefined foods contain variety of valuable minerals. To get them in maximum amount one should avoid refining of grains and prolonged cooking.
During infancy and preteen age ample amount of calcium is required. Green leafy vegetables, beans, milk are good source of calcium.

Iron & iodine – vegetables like broccoli and beans are a good source of iron. Iron supplements can be given to the children with a doctor’s reference.
Iodized salts can be used in areas where drinking water, fruits or vegetables lack it.

Vitamins- body requires vitamins to work right, as a little oiling helps a machine to work splendidly! All vitamins can be obtained from a well balanced diet of grains, fruits, beans nuts, seeds. Deficiency of these vitamins in children is unlikely unless the diet consists mainly of refined starches and sugar.

Fiber – it is the roughage in our food that our intestine can’t digest and absorb. Animal and dairy products don’t have fiber at all. These are important for normal bowel movement, and for checking the constipation.

Water- it is important for the basic functioning of the body. Most of the food items are largely made of water, even then mothers should take care that children are taking 5-6 glasses of water during the entire day.

It should be taken care that not all the essential nutrients are to be taken in every meal, a balance of all the nutrients should be provided within a span of 2-3 days.

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