Saturday, September 20, 2008

Weekends are always awaited after five grueling working days. No worry for strict sleeping times for children, no waking up very early, rushing for the school bus, and preparations for husband’s office schedule. Starting the day at my own pace, lazing around reading favorite columns in newspaper, long chats with husband and kids, are some of the luxuries I look forward to on weekends.
Sometimes I just wonder will I enjoy my Sundays during my retirement (yes retirement phase comes in housewives life cycle also and they need lots of psychological preparation to get ready for the phase) as much as I do now, will I miss my days of organized chaos or at that time everyday will be like a holiday and I will just wish for something meaningful to do.
Whenever I look any old age person, I just try to feel what kind of emotions they are going through .is there a feeling of fulfillment or a wish that god would have given them more time! It also amazes me that after managing everything from A to Z in the house, how it feels to handle over everything to next generation. From being the sole decision maker in everything to just let others take the reigns! It is indeed a huge change in a person’s life and retirement phase does require proper emotional planning for a person to spend that phase more meaningfully.
Right now I am enjoying my Sundays peacefully with my entire family!
please look forward for my special article on how to live retired life more meaningfully

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