Friday, September 5, 2008

working woman and ideal home

Carrying out dual responsibility of home and office and emerge as a winner is a long cherished thought of a working woman. While sometimes it may appear that everything is going haywire, nothing seems to be perfect be it kids, home office or acquaintances we try to put a patch on everything in a jiffy, and most of the times it end up in more undesired results.

It might appear to be difficult to manage both the worlds but with some little extra input, imagination and planning. As with all the successful things, proper execution of the plan and review and further planning and execution are the key factors.

A) A part of the weekend is the most important time for the execution of the planning. This part can be utilized to prepare a menu for the whole week. Once the menu falls in place, things can be kept ready for different preparation, so that we can prepare home-made food for the family and save ourselves from the guilt of not giving nutrition to our family.
Green leafy vegetables can be boiled and kept in a dough form and can be used to make chapattis, dips, gravies etc. throughout the week without putting in too much of time.
Similarly, boiled potatoes, curd, paneer, paste for different types of gravies can be kept ready for quick use. More imagination can be put in kitchen preparation and brilliant ideas of providing nutritious food can be evolved.
B) Clothes for all the members (to be wore throughout the week) can also be decided on the weekend and accordingly it can be taken care that everything is ready for a week, so throughout the week your mind is free of this major cause of concern, “what to wear tomorrow?”
C) Cleaning of the house is also to be dealt in an intelligent manner so that throughout the week home appears to be organized and cleaned up without putting in too much of time and effort, major articles which causes clutter is paper and clothes. For daily newspaper you can put a beautiful box in which newspapers throughout the week can be kept make it a habit to sort &sell them at the end of the week. For daily post keep a file and for bills and major appointments a notice board can be hanged, which can work as a reminder for the entire family.
D) Clothes for the entire week can be segregated in different baskets, whites, colored and normal wash. And accordingly instructions can be given to the home helpers ,even if we our self are doing the laundry it become much easier and less time taking to finish the laundry .
E) Each day of the week can be made a special day as kids day, parents day, family day so that nobody is feeling isolated with each other.
there is much much more to be written on this topic so please keep checking!

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